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有弟弟的姐姐 是幸福的!



看到朋友家里有哥哥姐姐时 心里就会嫉妒,因为他们有哥哥姐姐疼爱。



小时候      vs     我结婚当天

怎么说呢?这里有10个点可以跟大家分享~ XD

1. 从小到大一直到我结婚前,都是和弟弟一起睡,弟弟睡我左右边的地板,而我睡床上。
- 因为我怕鬼,不敢一个人睡,虽然有自己的房间

2. 另类的童年
- 因为小时候都是跟弟弟一起玩男孩子玩的游戏。比如:tv game,遥控汽车比赛,打卡(多张的小卡稍微折半然后放在地上用双手掌大力的拍地板,靠着风把卡弄翻),赌笔擦,在水沟抓鱼/蝌蚪,爬大水管,看pokemon / digimon / power ranger的卡通等等。。。

3. 出门旅行 还是 逛街的时候,有弟弟可以帮忙拿行李或包包(如果很重的话)。

4. 出去吃饭的时候,我会故意叫弟弟请我吃 替我还钱。
- 因为弟弟的工钱比我高

5. 虽然弟弟不善于表达,但是我知道弟弟是关心我的。

6.  没有人会跟你抢你喜欢的女孩物品。

7. 当没有人陪你逛街时,可以拉弟弟出去,当个跟屁虫也可以,即使他们都不给意见。
- 因为弟弟都很宅,可以随时叫出去走走

8. 不认识我弟弟的朋友们 都会说他是我哥哥。

9. 跟弟弟出去,感觉自己带着保镖。
- 因为他们个子比我高

10. 男性的服装潮流,多多少少都有点研究,而且弟弟在这方面都会问我意见。

虽然说 有弟弟的姐姐有时像个泼妇(这个我承认),不过有弟弟的姐姐 也满幸福的!也很有趣!:) 不一定只有哥哥姐姐会疼你,弟弟也可以很疼你的!感谢上帝给我3个弟弟!我爱他们!

PS: 照片中只有两个弟弟,还有一个弟弟小我16岁。


Lambir Hills National Park and Tusan Beach, Miri

It was a holiday in Malaysia on 3rd October 2016, which was replacement Holiday for Awal Muharram (actual day was on Sunday, 2nd October 2016). So, a group of church-mates decided to have a trip to the outskirt of Miri City Centre. Eventually, we chose to go Lambir Hills National Park to have a simple trekking and watch the waterfall there. 

We arrived the destination safely after half and hour of driving from city, then we made the entrance payment at the counter before we started to trek. The entrance fee is very cheap! There is RM 10 for locals, RM 20 for foreigners and RM 3 for students who are below age of 17.

Let's us take a wefie before we move in! (There is 8 of us joined for the trip)
The hill is not that difficult to trek, because we didn't go for hardest one.

And you'll find the particular species or insects / reptiles in the jungle.

During the half way to the waterfall, there is a suspension bridge.
Of course, we were not forgetting to take a wefie on the bridge~!
A while later, around 10 minutes, we reached our destination, WATERFALL!!
But... the waterfall is under our expectation! It just a weak flow of waterfall due to lack of raining for those few days.

The waterfall is behind us
There are many prawns in the pool of the waterfall
After we linger about half and hour, we decided to leave because we were hungry (it was lunch time), and yet there is nothing to do at there. So, we took our lunch at Sing Chiong Restaurant @ Bekenu. After lunch and a quick discussion among us, we decided to visit our next destination - Tusan Beach, which will passing by when we're on the way back to City. 

It takes around 15 minutes depart from Sing Chiong Restaurant, Bekenu to Tusan Cliff.

Wefie with Welcome Signboard at Tusan Beach


Of course! Photo taking is a MUST! ^_^

That's all from me. Thanks for reading :)

Take a rest and good experience with awesome people once in a while will recharging yourself in LIFE!

Awaiting for next holiday!
*12th November 2016*